Library Bindery Procedure of Submitting Soft Copy of Thesis/Project and Dissertations by Postgraduate Students

  1. Graduating students forward a duly signed PDF version of their Dissertation/Theses/Project alongside other mandatory documents to their respective Deans.
  2. Dean confirms that the above documents meet the expected requirements and forward the same to the Graduate Studies Secretariat for verification for graduation.

65th Graduation Ceremony

The University of Nairobi wishes to inform all students who qualified for the award of various degrees and diplomas at the end of last academic year (2020/2021) and members of the public, that the 65th Graduation Ceremony will be held VIRTUALLY on Friday, September 24, 2021 commencing at 8.00 a.m. at the Great Court.


As the University of Nairobi changes its administrative structure, the Department of Civil and construction Engineering  is now under the Faculty of Engineering which is currently headed. by Prof. Ayub Gitau. We as the Department embrace the changes and belief that services have been brought near for the student and staff to work efficiently