Principal Investigator
Concrete is a mixture of cement sand and coarse aggregates. The three components are mixed in
different proportions to obtain various classes of concrete. In this view, the use of natural resources
to make concrete has high environmental impact. This precedent sets a condition that affects the
environment and balance of things. It is therefore imperative to keep developing ways that will put
to best use the existing resources to obtain maximum production.
The purpose of this research is to examine and check the behaviour of concrete when a percentage
of metal is included in the mixture. Metals are generally good ductile elements and would have
the capacity to carry tensile loads. Aluminium was incorporated in the mix design as a partial
replacement of coarse aggregates to study the effect on fresh concrete characteristics as well as the
properties of the hardened concrete.
A series of tests on fresh and hardened concrete were performed and analysis done comparing the
partial replacement with the ordinary concrete mix. The samples that contained scrap Aluminium
had reduced compressive strength compared to the control samples. The tensile properties and
slump value were optimum for the 10 % replacement sample. The addition of metal definitely
affects the performance of concrete mixes.