The negative effects of climate change are becoming more and more of a threat to urban areas
globally. Changing precipitation patterns, an increase in the frequency of extreme weather
events, and rising temperatures are making it difficult to maintain current stormwater
management systems.
This project aims to address the critical need for a thorough understanding of the impact of
climate change on urban stormwater management and the development of adaptive strategies
to enhance resilience.
The frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as strong storms, flooding, and
heavy rainfall, are rising due to climate change. It is essential to comprehend how these
changes affect stormwater management in order to design resilient infrastructure that can
withstand extreme occurrences. Also, the vulnerability of urban infrastructure to climate
change underscores the need for a comprehensive study to identify weaknesses and propose
adaptive measures.

Degree Program
Bsc. Civil and Construction Engineering
Project Supervisor
Eng. Damaris Oyaro
Student Name
Kiambi Joy Nkirote, F16/137636/2019