Growth in global population leads to increased need for new buildings and infrastructure. This
population growth has in turn causes increased production and consumption rate of cement due to
the need of building durable structures whereby the majority use reinforced concrete. However,
the production of cement results in increase of carbon dioxide emissions, depletion of natural
resources and high energy consumption which has encouraged the search for more environmental
friendly construction materials which can supplement or replace the materials that are currently
used. The use of supplementary cementitious materials as partial replacement of cement in
concrete can help reduce the amount of cement produced which in turn reduces the emission of
COଶ which is a greenhouse gas that has a global warming effect. It will also help reduce the cost
of production of cement.
Glass is widely used through manufactured products such as sheet glass, bottles and glassware.
Most of the glass produced in the world is used, discarded and dumped in landfills. Glass waste is
a non-biodegradable material which pollutes the surrounding. Due to the declining landfill sites in
urban areas and increased cost of landfilling, recycling and reuse of waste material is becoming a
common trend. Therefore, waste glass is available in plenty for use as a supplementary
cementitious material.

Degree Program
Project Supervisor
ENG. Hesbon Hayowa
Student Name