Solid waste in Kerugoya town is generated mainly from residential and commercial activities. Wastes include food waste, paper, plastic, rags, metal, and glass. Construction wastes and small amounts of hazardous wastes such as electric light bulbs, batteries, automotive parts, and discarded medicines and chemicals are also part of solid waste generated. These wastes are primarily generated by the residential areas of the town, institutions and the commercial area of Kerugoya town. Like most local authorities in the country, the Kerugoya municipality, in the past, did not prioritize the establishment of proper waste management systems. A historical backlog of waste collection services for most of the urban and suburban areas of Kerugoya town has led to unpleasant living conditions, a polluted and unhealthy environment and unsightly waste dumps around neighbourhoods. The absence of an efficient waste collection system and a recycling infrastructure that would enable separation of waste at source and diversion of waste streams to material recovery and buy back facilities has also contributed to the poor waste management practices in the county

Degree Program
Project Supervisor
Eng. S.K. Ngari
Student Name
Jackson Kiguru, F16/1599/2015