The project area of study is in Kenya`s central province Nairobi county Kamkunji constituency, it is along the ladhies road which connects Haile Selassie avenue and country bus station area ,It is located near the growing business zone Muthurwa market which is 12 hectare land owned by county government of Nairobi. The approximate population for the 7km radius is about 1,196,237, the coordinates of the area latitude=-1.2881 lat (DMS), longitude 36.8365 and altitude 5869. Land use around the area Muthurwa include commercial or office businesses, residential buildings, educational centers such as Muthurwa primary school and administration with Kamkunji police station as the nearest police post.

This research seeks answers for the current pedestrian problems for not using the available footbridge at Muthurwa market. The study aims at observing the physical conditions of the bridge, the economic impact of the footbridge construction , pedestrian utilization levels and establishing pedestrian perceptions on the footbridge the research therefore is subjected to answer the following questions; whether the bridge has been designed taking into account the general specifications to meet the pedestrian level of service in terms of volume, capacity, speed and space of pedestrians, also to determine what influences the usability of the pedestrian facility at Muthurwa market and the economic impact of the bridge.

Degree Program
Project Supervisor
Eng. Paul Mboya Osano
Student Name
Kennedy Mwetich Kwenyi