Principle Instigator
Kiplimo Mercy

This study is aimed to improve the engineering properties of MS11 materials by mechanical
stabilization by blending with gravel from MS 10 for Oinamoi-Kapluk-Barwesa Road (C392)
project. In this research, a study was carried out to establish the possibility of improving the
engineering properties of MS11 gravel to meet G30 material specifications as outlined in Low
Volume Sealed Roads (LVSR) manual. Neat materials from MS 10 and MS11 were subjected
to preliminary tests (sieve analysis and Atterberg's limits) and strength tests (compaction,
California bearing ratio (CBR)). Different mix proportions ( 10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40:60, and
50:50 as a percentage for MS 10 and MS 11 respectively) were as well subjected to the same
tests. Results of the tests above showed that MS 11 engineering properties improves towards
G30 requirements as the proportion of MS 10 was increased i.e. the CBR increased while the
PI and PM reduced. Graphs are drawn for the test results obtained and G30 minimum
requirements indicated on the graphs to show the mix proportions that can be used for the
construction of the subbase layer without violating the specifications. Conclusions are then
drawn from the graphs and a minimum mix proportion recommended.


Project Code
FCE 590
Project Status